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6/7/2011 02:05:49 am

What I would fight for, I really don’t know where my list starts or ends. It can definitely start with Family. Family is the most important thing in the world I would fight for them till the day I died. Blood is a special thing and you never want to loose it. My freedom, or rights I would fight for, I even would fight to protect someone if I knew they were getting abused and couldn’t defend themselves. Fighting for something doesn’t necessarily have to be family or blood. It can just be to fight for something you love and you want to still be in your life. To fight to protect someone you love like a best friend or close family member is not wrong at all.
I would die for my family. I don’t plan on going into the military after high school so by saying that I really have no idea how gnarly the world really is and can’t say I would be there to protect others and die for them. Going into the military takes a lot of guts to know that at one point someone will be shooting at you. If it came down to I knew someone was about to get shot only thing to do was take a bullet yeah I can do that. But just saying yeah I would go out there and die for my country I can’t really say since I don’t know if I have the guts to go out to a battle field pick up a weapon and shoot it. I would be scared.

P. Landa
6/7/2011 02:06:16 am

I think that the biggest thing you could possibly fight and die for is you’re freedom, you’re rights. Ever body wants to be treated equally and with respect. If you take that away from someone, it’s almost like ripping out a part of them. I know if I was in a situation like how Egypt is or even our revolution, I would fight until we won our rights. If that means I would have to die for that, then I would be more than willing too and I would do it with a smile on my face to be perfectly honest. To me that’s the biggest and most important thing that is worth fighting and dying for. If you do not have you’re rights and if you don’t demand them, to me, you should jus slap you’re self across the face because you don’t have respect for your self.
If the time came again to fight for our freedom, I would be there in a heartbeat. I would be one the first ones fighting against the enemy, whether it is another country or our own government. I would fight for what I believe in. I also believe that fighting for you’re life is worth fighting and dying for. If I did die fighting for my life, that would be okay with me too because at least I would know that I died fighting and not hiding and being scared.

S. Alexander
6/7/2011 02:06:21 am

In my opinion, personal freedom is worth fighting and dying for. What’s the point of life if you can’t be the person you want to be, talk about what you want, or dress the way that suits you. Without personal freedom, how could you be confident about yourself? How could you make a difference in the world? No one would know your thoughts, ideals, anything. You’d just be part of some cruddy government, ruled by a corrupt dictator. You wouldn’t have a free open market, couldn’t make a name for yourself, or be rich. In fact, in most dictatorships, if you’re just an ordinary “commoner” you’d probably be quite poor. If you tried to speak out, you would be murdered or beaten by government officials. You could lose your home in a moment. Other people would always have control over everything you do: from the way you dress, to whom you marry. Personal freedom is something easily taken for granted, and its just not appreciated the way it used to be.

F Martinez
6/7/2011 02:06:39 am

A thing that is worth to fight and die for is freedom. It is worth it because if you’re not free then you are not living. Here in the US, everyone is free but some people don’t know that not all countries are like that. In places like Egypt and Iqua, no one is free and people are fighting for their freedom. Most people in the army know their free and want to help the people who aren’t free and keep the US still free. For an example, in Egypt they were fight to be free and not being ruled by a dictator or a king. So everyone is fight to the rights they want and need. To start off with getting free the people will have to revolt and there is no better way to revolt but violent. Thought out the past every successful revolt have start off with a violent beginning.

C. Howard
6/7/2011 02:06:43 am

In my opinion something worth fighting for would be freedom or independence. Something for fighting/dying for but is unrealistic is peace on earth. Although people desperately want it, it will never happen. Or, something worth fighting/dying for could be anything that you strongly believe in; anything from religion, to family traditions. I also think this country is worth dying for. Many people feel differently about fighting for something or taking a stand. It’s ultimately up to the person whether or not something is worth fighting/dying for. People often try to convince other people to fight for they want instead of what the person wants so they don’t have to do it themselves. There are many things for dying/fighting for, but for the most part it’s up to you on what you want to fight for.

T McGuire
6/7/2011 02:06:46 am

There are many things that are worth fighting a dying for. You can fight for your freedom, religion, race, liberty, pretty much anything you can think of is worth either fighting or dying for. Even if it means that you have to rebel against your government. If it is something that you believe in and feel is right it will make the people that believe in the same thing feel good about what happened. If it will help you get through life knowing that you either fought for something you believed in or even died because you believed in what you did was right is all that matters. When you know that you did something right it will help you want to do more. And maybe if what you did got recognized by other people those people will try to do the same thing that you did in another country because they believed in the same thing you did.

6/7/2011 02:07:00 am

In my opinion freedom is worth fighting and dying for because without freedom we wouldn’t be able to be ourselves. Without freedom we would basically all be the same. We wouldn’t be able to listen to the music we liked or watch what we wanted. Some countries like Egypt are ruled by dictator that control everything the country does but the US has freedom of everything. Without freedom we wouldn’t be able to speak out and say what we felt. Also we would only be able to read what the government wanted us to read or to write. Freedom is worth fighting and dying for because without freedom we would be nothing. People come from other countries to the US in the search for freedom. Here we have the freedom to work and to study were ever we want but in other country the education is only given to the high society.

T Johnson
6/7/2011 02:07:08 am

I think fighting for our country, our freedom, and our beliefs is worth dying for because people need to have their freedom. It’s hard for me to watch other people from other countries not have their own rights. People should be aloud to believe what they want, study any religion that they want, have freedom of speech. People shouldn’t be silenced, they should be able to say their own opinions without getting beaten or even killed. I really appreciate what the U.S. military is doing to keep us safe and doing for us to keep our freedom. People in the military are risking their own lives just to keep ours safe and free!
People in other countries can be very violent. I think if you’re fighting for something then you should put all your might into fighting for it! You shouldn’t be scared to stand up for what you believe in. Most people don’t realize that in other countries people are dying every day to stand up for their beliefs.

N. Alvarado
6/7/2011 02:07:11 am

Freedom is worth fighting and dying for because in the Revolutionary war we fought the British and won our freedom. In the French revolution they overthrew the French king. Religion for most is worth fighting for and dying for like in the crusades for Jerusalem thousands died for the holy land.

6/7/2011 02:07:21 am

Fighting and dying for freedom is worth if the one fighting for freedom receives it at the end. When people want to be free from either a dictator or a king I think that they deserve to have that freedom. In the United States of America we are very fortunate to have freedom and to have a government and president that we the people choose. Other countries don’t have the same opportunities that we have because they are still being run by either dictators or kings. These dictators or kings can be very controlling for example North Koreas dictator doesn’t give his people any freedom at all and his people don’t have a clue of what is going on in the outside world because their dictator doesn’t allow them to know anything. In Egypt the people have had enough with their dictator and they have decided that they also want to have freedom like the United States does for the good of the people and their future. Life under a dictatorship seems hard because you have no other choice than to follow your dictator’s rules or else you will most likely have to face the consequences of disobeying your dictator. Living a life that is controlled by a dictator doesn’t seem fair at all that’s y I believe that freedom is worth fighting and dying.

6/7/2011 02:07:40 am

There are many things worth fighting for and dying for. Freedom, liberty, equal rights, etc. On the other hand there are many things that aren’t worth fighting for like fighting a war that’s not going to ever have a resolution because no one wants to help and find. So now we have good women and men out there on the front line dying for what we believe in. Now I’m not saying our way of life is wrong but it’s not right everyone, every culture, race, country. It’s all different and you can’t change that no matter what. When people interfere with other peoples way of life it’s only because they want to rule over them and that’s not right. We shouldn’t be fighting to rule over someone but to help them and make a friend. Help out that country because both places have different benefits and when they work together and share their benefits with each other those two countries become a littler bit better. Now fighting for what you believe in isn’t wrong but it shouldn’t be done with violence because with violence there only comes more violence which isn’t the way. Disputes about one another’s beliefs should be resolved between the two leaders and to find compromises. Like in the civil war many good men died and for what their beliefs. Ok in the of the civil war the south and the north finally came to a compromises.

D. Harder
6/7/2011 02:07:56 am

What’s worth fighting and dying for? Plenty of things are worth fighting and dying for. There was a revolt in Egypt where the people were willing to fight and die for a chance to have freedom. Freedom is something that is worth fighting and dying for because so many people want it. Why do you think there are so many people from around the world in the US? They most likely came from an area that is still being ruled by dictators. Perhaps in the future, every continent on the planet will be free. There are also ideals that are worth fighting for. If you look back at history, you will find numerous examples of people fighting and dying for a cause that was worth it. Take the French Revolution for example. Before the revolution, the common people were starving and barely making a living. The rich people were well fed and could afford luxury that the commoners could only dream of. The commoners finally had enough and revolted against everything that they had ever known. They were fighting for equal rights and freedom. They did succeed and they abolished the old government. But the troubles didn’t stop there. It’s hard to establish a new government completely from scratch. Next, look at the American Revolution. We had grown tired of Britain’s taxation of us and demonstrated our displeasure at the Boston Tea Party. That resulted in a revolution that saw us shake of the burden of European rule and gain our independence.

C. Howard
6/7/2011 02:08:44 am

nice opinion

6/7/2011 02:13:13 am

pedro i agree with what youve said because thats your inside gut feeling. what you said is how you feel and you always have to respect that.

C. Howard
6/7/2011 02:15:30 am

@c flores I cant agree or disagree with you because you didnt voice your opinion.

6/7/2011 02:15:58 am

What’s worth dying for to me is my rights that God gave to me. the right to passionately chase after my dreams and ambitions. The rights that God himself gave to me and everyone. The right to be free and freely follow my dreams to me that’s what’s worth fighting for

T Johnson
6/7/2011 02:16:19 am

@F Martinez
i dissagree with your statement about there being no better way than using violence to fight for your freedom, because i belive that you should first try and be calm and rational about it, but if that doesnt work then yes you can use violence.

6/7/2011 02:17:30 am

I like how you put that. I wouldnt have thought about it that way. I liked the way you put emotiomn into your piece. It made me think about what you were saying more, and helped me relate to it better.

leave comment@mmedina
6/7/2011 02:18:36 am

I disagree withyour statement about fighting for freedom because you don't to fight to have freedom but find a compromise that would benefit everyone because thats how our goverment works with cimpromise

6/7/2011 02:18:38 am

@ahernandez..I disagree that without freedome we would all be the same because we would still be diffrent we just would all have to be the same under our dictator without freedom.

C. Ownbey
6/7/2011 02:18:44 am

@J. Muratalla i like what u said how basicly its pointless to fight in a never ending war

F Martinez
6/7/2011 02:20:43 am

@S Alexander

I disagree with this statement about being of a cruddy govement if it is ruled by a dictator because of the revolt of the French Revalotion. They revolted and got there freedom but then they couldn't live with the new goverment so they went back to being ruled by a king.

T McGuire
6/7/2011 02:21:10 am

Leave comment: @H.Day I would say that I agree with yours. Because family is definitly one of the most important things to have. And without them you wouldn't get anywhere. So it is important to keep them close and fight for them as much as you can.

P. Landa
6/7/2011 02:21:59 am

I agree with Hunter about fighting for family. Family really is the most important thing. Hands down I would say is most important, even more important the ones rights. You may not have you're rights, but family will always be there for you when you need them, and they will be there for them when they need it. Everything that Hunter said, I agree one hundred percent with. Family is the most important thing in this world.

6/7/2011 02:22:11 am

@H.Day- I agree with your opinion that family is something worth fighting and dying for because family is the most important thing we have.

leave comment@ahernandez
6/7/2011 02:22:46 am

i disagree with yoru statement about being able to read or write what we want because our goverment dose control that like what we learn or what books there are in a school or public libary

6/7/2011 02:23:02 am

I totally agree with this comment because I would die for my country/family/rights. But mostly for my family because I can't live without them. But I don't agree when you said that you'd take a bullet because to me, it's all about surviving and to win the war. Honestly, I'd leave the person that got shot behind because you could be next and you're gonna have to move on sooner or later. And that's part of life, moving on whether you like it or not.

J Ruther
6/7/2011 03:05:12 am

What’s worth fighting and dying for?

Your family is worth dying for because they are always there for you. They are the closest thing you will ever have in your life because family is supposed to stay together through thick and thin. When you are in a tough time you will always have you family there to back you up on it whether it is financial trouble or anything else. You should also be there for you family if they are in trouble because they are there for you

Y. Perez
6/7/2011 03:05:37 am

Anything someone strongly believes in is worth fighting and dying for, especially when it has to do with the rights of human beings. If it is something little and not as important then you can still state your opinion, but there is not guarantee that people will listen. The only way people in our modern world will ever consider listening to your opinion would be if it is something of importance. For example, if someone you love is ill or dying, you would do anything you can to save them and you fight until you can’t fight any longer. If someone you know is getting bullied, you don’t sit there and watch it happen. The right thing to do would be speak up and either tell the person that they’re doing something wrong, or go tell an adult about what has been going on and they can help with the situation. In our modern world, the government doesn’t pay much attention to children with mental disabilities. They think just because a child is incapable of doing specific things at the moment, they won’t ever be able to learn. If they cared enough, they would do the proper testing and actually see if these children can progress. Parents fight for their children to get better. Everyone should fight for their loved ones.

T. Pali
6/7/2011 03:05:38 am

Something that is worth fighting for is something you care about and believe in.
Your family is worth fighting for because they were there for you before you even met your friends at school or friends in general. Your parents are family also, they place a roof over your head to sleep in and cloth you and give you food. Something that is worth dying for is something that you love and give your all to.

6/7/2011 03:05:43 am

There is much in the world that is worth fighting for and dying for one thing is your freedom your family your friends and who you are. There are also things that are a waste to fight for like a girl or a car and even a parking space. People just need the littlest thing to fight about but when really they don’t see what really is out there to fight for. We fight for our pride out honor and for everything we love and hold dear to us. By fighting it can mean anything ether if it were to be a hand to hand combat with someone or if at work when you are fighting yourself to make it through a hard day of work. When you fight for something there always have to be a good reason but mostly you have to ask yourself is it worth dying for is it worth all the pain and suffering that can come from it. Now a days you just see violence and fighting but most of it is just for no good reason. The people who do fight for what is right are the soldier, the people who need to get their point across to others that what is happening to them is unfair and inhuman. They suffer everyday to get that point across but they know that in the end ,even if they die they would have know that they tried their best and that what they were fighting for was worth dying for as well.

6/7/2011 03:05:47 am

What is worth fighting and dying for? For your loved ones and the people you care about. Also to protect the people of US and, doing the right thing. If other places in the world are be dictated then why not go and help them also, it would be wrong just to sit back and watch what is going on. So people in the world to day are just nasty and rude. Like the Nazis and what happen in 1930 to 1947. They were mental people that wanted their way and all most got it with guns.

6/7/2011 03:05:47 am


What is it worth?
It is worth the fight.
It is worth dying for.

Without this we cannot have a mind of our own. We can’t express how we feel if we are being controlled. We fight and die for freedom and the will to live our lives how we want to live it. If we can’t have freedom then we have lost or connection to each other as a whole. Together is how we fight and for this together we will bask in the glory of death if it means freedom is only another step closer.

What is it worth?
It is worth the fight.
It is worth dying for.

J Watkins
6/7/2011 03:05:49 am

Something worth fighting and dying for would be freedom. Freedom is having your own voice and being able to believe in what you believe in. To be able to pursue whatever career you would like. Freedom is worth dying for because I would give people their right of independence. If you die today for freedom the people ahead would have a better future. They could have freedom of speech and press and be able to speak their mind. Freedom is worth a lot, especially if you have never had it before, so it would be worth dying for.

6/7/2011 03:05:53 am

What’s Worth Fighting and Dying For?
What I think is worth dying for is my family. When I say my family I mean the people I love and care about. Some of my friends are more family then a lot of my family members.
My Mom’s side, parts of my Dad’s side, and my best friend’s are what I would die for. I would do it because they would do the same for me. They are always by my side and make sure not one hurts me.
If I ended up in the hospital they’d be there, if I was blind they’d all help me walk around. If I was at gun point they would get in the way. So in a heartbeat, without thinking about it I’d do the same.
I’d also die for what I believe in. I believe in speaking my mind.

Stephen Ward
6/7/2011 03:05:56 am

Sometimes all the violence in the world can make a person wonder what the point in fighting is. I mean, it seems like nothing is achieved during the fight, but it is when the fight has been won that real change is finally shown. Now, referring back to the main question there are many things worth fighting for. Usually, it just comes down to who the person doing the fighting is. Throughout history though it seems like freedom has been the most important thing to fight for and if necessary die in the process. People start to realize over time that things need to change and that it may be too late to create a better life for themselves, but at least they can create a better life for those to come or for those that still have so much life left in them. Another thing worth fighting for would probably have to be justice. There are a lot of corrupt people in this world, and there comes a point in time when the vast majority has to come together and agree that these people have to be stopped. It would be important for people who are on the other side in arguments such as this one to consider why the death of one man would greatly benefit others’ lives and possibly save them. Now, I agree that death is a horrible thing but there comes a point in time when justice has to be preserved so that the lives of the many can be saved. One final thing that I do not completely agree is worth fighting for, but that I know many would is religion. Religion is basically the centerpiece of many peoples’ lives. To some people it is more important than life itself because in most cases they see life after death as being everlasting. So, if somebody were to try and take the right to simply think what they want to it seems like it would be worth dying for.

6/7/2011 03:06:02 am

What is fighting and dying for? If you really think about it, they’re lots of things worth fighting and dying for. First off my family is defiantly worth all the fight in the world to me. Anther this is our freedom as Human beings and US citizens. If you don’t fight for want you believe in why are you here? Everybody in this world has some kind of purpose being here. Some are greatly honored for there services, like people who take liberty in there hands and fight for our country. Other people have different purposes. Like stay at home moms with a bunch of little ones to nurture and help grow into great successful human beings that one day will have to go out on there own to find there purpose in the would. Or teachers who give us light and encouragement to build an education so that we one day will be great. Or doctors who try to keep us healthy. Shoot even celebrities have some kind of purpose in this screwed up world, they give kids that don’t have good role models someone to look up to.

6/7/2011 03:06:06 am

The things that are worth fighting and dying for are my family, my rights, and my freedom. If something is threatening my family I will more then willingly give my life to protect them. If somebody tries to take my rights not just as a citizen but as a human being I will fight to end to have them. If some force tries to take my freedom from me my force or any other way I will resist till my death. If some tried to take the things that have meaning in my life I will fight the system through the courts through the streets. I will take whatever they throw at me and give it back to them ten fold. I will not ever let anybody who means to be harmed for not protecting or attempting to protect them. I will not let oppression rule over me in any form. There will not be any one person who can not be taken out of power in charge of me. I will make it my personal duty to fight and lay down my life if it is necessary to protect that which is sacred to me.

6/7/2011 03:06:10 am

People die for our freedom. A lot of people each year die in wars against other Countries, and each war a lot of people die in the military. People who live in countries which are not free suffer a lot, and innocent people die. Dictators control the people and don’t give them freedom. Some countries aren’t even aloud to watch T.V. and in some countries women aren’t even aloud to roam around the streets.

D. Shirk
6/7/2011 03:06:33 am

What is worth fighting and dying for?

The thought that fighting and dying for something is never a pretty thought. Though there is that eminent threat of fighting for something what is truly worth it. Is freedom, power, food, shelter, or even people worth it? To be honest we should all feel that freedom is worth dying for even if we don’t like to admit it. That, for example, is what is going on in current day Iraq. Another great example would be the fact that Egypt is going through the same thing. What many people don’t come to realize is everything that we ever had or currently have is and was bought with the blood of soldiers.
To start off we have our country that we all say was and is free. When you truly think and you don’t blow off the obvious you will see that we in fact did pay for our country. That is what the revolutionary war was all about. Many men decided that freedom was and is the true answer so they rebelled paying for the country and the freedom to come with it in their blood.
The second fact of the matter has to be an example of a foreign group of people known as the Jews, and everyone else on the European peninsula. In WWII Adolf Hitler was corrupted by power, as most men are, and went on a rampage to create a master race. Now looking back we weren’t fighting for the Jews to begin with, but once we discovered them you can tell our attitude changed significantly. The Jews freedom was bought in the blood of our American soldiers. Also in WWII the United States had to fight for their freedom as well.

Vipanjot Singh
6/7/2011 03:06:44 am

What’s worth fighting and dying for?
People die for their freedom. In some countries people don’t have their rights to do things. For kids they don’t have schools. They can’t even watch T.V. because they don’t have right to watch T.V. I don’t know why they are fighting. Everybody is going to die nobody is going to take anything with them.

T. Sheppard
6/7/2011 03:06:50 am

I think your country is worth fighting for, because it gives you everything, and its where you have lived and grown up since you were born. It should be worth it because it gives you a good life to live. The most important part of life is your family, they should be everything to you, they do everything for you; give you a place to live, give you food to eat everyday, and show love for you all the time. They should be the number one people that you love. Some people or many people would die for freedom, because that’s what people love the most.And thats who love us the most

@ Tauni
6/7/2011 03:07:11 am

Tauni i like your's alot because family is a very important thing and you seem to relize that.

6/7/2011 03:07:22 am

There is much in life worth dying for and one of the things is fighting for freedom.
Having freedom is like knowing that you have the right to do what ever you want without
freedom you would be bossed around you would be told what to do and you wouldn’t have anything to say about it. You wouldn’t be able to express yourself if you wanted to be with somebody you cared about you would be forced to marry some random guy and you couldn’t say anything or disagree with it.

C Dukart
6/7/2011 03:08:09 am

What’s worth fighting and dying for? To me, the only thing worth fighting for is freedom or life. When you live in a country where you don’t have the right to remain silent, the right to speak freely, or any right at all, eventually you will revolt against the leader at the time. We Americans take our rights for granted. We don’t think about our right to remain silent, the right to free will, or free speech. In places like Mexico, you have the right to let them beat the crap out of you until you tell them what they want to know.

6/7/2011 03:09:42 am

good thought i agree

6/7/2011 03:09:53 am

@.Somera I agree with you,its like you took the words right out of my mouth.

@ vipanjot
6/7/2011 03:10:01 am

Vipanjot they are fighting for all that because they relized that maybe if they fight and die it will be better fro there kids and there grandkids.

6/7/2011 03:10:09 am

your completly right chris

J Ruther
6/7/2011 03:10:14 am

@ T Pali

I like the part where u said Your family is worth fighting for because they were there for you before you even met your friends at school or friends in general.

T. Pali
6/7/2011 03:10:42 am

i strongly agree with what you had said about many people dying for freedon and who loves us the most. it is very inspiring

T. Sheppard
6/7/2011 03:12:22 am

@ T.Pali
I agree what you said, because family is what loves us the most and is worth dying for.

6/7/2011 03:12:27 am

i honestly think this came straight from the heart and i appreitiate that.

Connor Dukart
6/7/2011 03:12:35 am

@K.Day-nice job

6/7/2011 03:13:13 am

@Vipanjot Singh i disagree wit your statement about not knowing while people fight.For the followin reason, if they dont have rights they fight to have those rights to have freedom.

Y. Perez
6/7/2011 03:13:24 am

@K. Day I like how you thought about this. I didn't even think about relating this to the way people were brought up, but you put this really well.

6/7/2011 03:13:26 am

I agree with all of your statements.

D. Shirk
6/7/2011 03:13:41 am

@S. Ward

To begin I qualify with your statement. In one way yes I agree that violence does blur the mind of what the actual cause is and other times I think it helps clarify. To be honest it depends on the person fighting. As far as everything else I do agree.

6/7/2011 03:13:49 am

thanks amanada you were exactly right i know you have nothing but love for me

T. Pali
6/7/2011 03:13:49 am

good thought i agree w

@T McGuire
6/7/2011 03:13:50 am

I agree with what you are saying in your statement. I like the part where you are explaining all of the things that are worth fighting for.

6/7/2011 03:14:43 am

@C.Dukart good one.!

T. Pali
6/7/2011 03:14:54 am

i agree with what you said about the natiz. and how most people just sit back and do nothing because it is the easier thing to do

6/7/2011 03:14:58 am

Chris i agree with your comment towards yourself. you worded stuff good.

J Ruther
6/7/2011 03:15:01 am

@ K Day
I like the part where you said "I think personally it all depends on your beliefs and honestly where you grew up."

6/7/2011 03:15:32 am

@A.Somera i completely agree with what you wrote.

6/7/2011 03:15:47 am

@ P.Landai agree that a person rights is a big part of someones life, and is a big part of them, and if you take it away, then thats taking alot from them

6/7/2011 03:15:52 am

@D. Shirk I agree with u that freedom is worth fightin for even though most people take it for granted

S Ward
6/7/2011 03:15:54 am

@ D Shirk

I really like how significant you make death sound because it truly is one of the most important things in life. However, I disagree that everything that our country is or was paid for in blood. If that was completely true then there would be no contributions to society from people not affiliated in any way to the military or the government.

6/7/2011 03:16:12 am

I agree that freedom, life, love and family is ALL worth fighting for. They are all important and worth dying for. Freedom is I would say the most important because it makes a furture for those ahead of you.

6/7/2011 03:16:27 am

"I think personally it all depends on your beliefs and honestly where you grew up. " is completly right, couldn't be worded better

6/7/2011 03:16:43 am

@ T Pali
i agree

@C Dukart
6/7/2011 03:16:57 am

i agree with your statements.

6/7/2011 03:17:09 am

I agree with your statements and i like how you started with a question.

K. Day
6/7/2011 03:20:12 am

Who is to say what is worth fighting and what is worth dying for. I think personally it all depends on your beliefs and honestly where you grew up. Someone that grew up in poverty stricken home is going to have different political beliefs than someone who grew up in a big nice house. If I grew up in poverty then obviously things worth fighting for, for me would be food and clothing because I was never just handed those things. But if I was to grow up in a home with wealth then I wouldn’t see the need to fight and die for food and clothes because I would have never been put in that predicament before. So I guess no one is really allowed to say what is worth fighting and dying for because not everyone has the same views. Having different views doesn’t make you weird or a bad person it just makes you different from the other guy. It makes you an American. This country was built upon being different, weather it’s ethnic differences, religious, or even political America is different.

6/7/2011 03:20:14 am

@kody "I think personally it all depends on your beliefs and honestly where you grew up. " is completly right, couldn't be worded better

6/7/2011 03:20:51 am

I disagree with your statement about how everyone is going to die for one specific reason. This reason is that yes there are alot of people who are going to die to get their freedom. As well as everybody is going to die someday in the futurebut the more people who die for their freedom the more chance there is that some people will be able to live a longer life.

6/7/2011 03:22:00 am

I agree with you that family is an imortant thing to fight for.

D. Shirk
6/7/2011 03:22:01 am

@c. Vogtt

To start I must say I do not agree with your statement about the nazis. They in no way had almost gotten their way with guns. sure it seemed that way but just because they fought does not mean that they had or recieved what they wanted. The second statement I disagree on is the fact that we sit back and just watch what is happening. many people do not have the power, resources, or time to spare. For example the united states is spread in three "wars" and has little ability to help the other countries.

S Ward
6/7/2011 03:22:02 am

@ T Sheppard

I like how you mention the importance of family which for some reason I overlooked. I do disagree however with family being considered a thing that everybody should be willing to die for. It all depends on the individual person which makes it more of a personal opinion than a general statement.

6/7/2011 03:22:18 am

@C Dukart I disagree with your statment about Mexico. For the following reasons. First if u don't know about the goverment of a country do not speak about it as if you know. In Mexico they can not do that. Mexico has the exact same type of government as the United states.

6/7/2011 03:22:21 am

@Vipanjot singh I completly disagree with your statement. Theres a reason why we fight for our freedom. We fight for it because we dont want people to die, we want other peole of other countries to be "allowed" to watch t.v! and to be able to live with the same rights as we do as American citizens.

Jagveer Johal
6/7/2011 03:22:22 am

@VipanJot i disagree with your statement because tyhree are a lot of people who die for our freedom

6/7/2011 03:22:31 am

@T.Sheppard I Super agree that family is the most important part in life.Good one!

Eppich Raymond
6/7/2011 03:58:10 am

@ Lander
I agree these powerful words.

6/7/2011 04:00:43 am

I really like what you wrote you are one of the few people that likes to tell the truth of what really is happeing in the worlds present past and what will may happen in the futer

6/7/2011 04:02:32 am

@K.Day- I'm not sure about your statement K. Day

"Who is to say what is worth fighting and what is worth dying for. I think personally it all depends on your beliefs"

If this is true, then what is the point of law or our justice system. There has to be a standard on which to judge, otherwise everything we do is based on whim or opinion. For instance, that would allow me to kill someone else simply because I feel like it and would allow me not to be punished.

6/7/2011 04:02:49 am

@C.Dukart- I disagree with your statement about Mexico because the government isnt the one killing the people the cartels are. Mexico has the same government as the US.

T McGuire
6/7/2011 04:04:42 am

@K.Day I agree with yours. Most of where you grew up has some part in what you believe in and what you want to fight for.

P. Landa
6/7/2011 04:05:25 am

@T. Pali
I agree with you. Family is the most important thing in life. Without family, who do you really have? Family will always be there for you when you need it.

6/7/2011 04:05:57 am

@ SSaucedo
I cannot agree with you more about the idea that we fight over the most meanial of things, for example as you said a "parking space." Addtionally, I commend you on your idea that those who fight for us in the right way are the men and women of the Armed Forces, and sometimes, we forgot this. So, thanks to you for reminding me.

6/7/2011 04:06:35 am

What if what your family is doing is wrong? Then do you always support them? Isn't "family will always be there" a bit of a cliche?

6/7/2011 04:09:49 am

@S Ward: yeah I agree with your statement because you don't see what the result is until the war is over. You only see which side is going to win and who is gonna lose.


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    June 2011

